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Linear backward error analysis
Table of Contents
This post assumes you know the base idea behind backward error analysis. If you are not, you should first read my previous blog post.
As is often the case, a good preliminary simplification is the linear case. Let’s consider here a one-dimensional linear ODE, which is, for \(\lambda \in \mathbb{R}\) or in \(\mathbb{C}\), $$ \dot{u} =\lambda u. $$ In this case, the flow is the linear map \((t, u_0) \mapsto \varphi_t(u_0) = e^{t\lambda}u_0\), which also extends to higher dimensions when \(\lambda\) is a matrix.1
Explicit Euler #
The explicit Euler scheme can be summarily written $$ \Phi_h = \operatorname{id} + h\lambda . $$ For this simple case, the modified vector field \(\widetilde{\lambda}_h\) and the corrected vector field \(\mu_h\) are found easily.
Modified equations #
For modified equations, we look for \(\widetilde{\lambda}_h\) such that $$ \widetilde{\varphi}_h = \Phi_h, \qquad\text{i.e.}\qquad\exp\bigl( h\widetilde{\lambda}_h \bigr) = \operatorname{id} + h\lambda . $$ Extending the logarithm to complex numbers,2 we find $$ \widetilde{\lambda}_h = \frac{1}{h} \log(1 + h\lambda) . $$ Therefore, the modified equation is $$ \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t} \widetilde{u}_h = \frac{1}{h}\log(1 + h\lambda), \widetilde{u}_h . $$ Note that \(\widetilde{\lambda}_h = \lambda + \mathcal{O}(h)\), which corresponds to the first order of convergence of the scheme: in finite time \(\widetilde{u}_h(t) = u(t) + \mathcal{O}(h)\).
In the real case, if \(h\lambda < -1\) then \(\widetilde{\lambda}_h\) is complex, we write \(h\widetilde{\lambda}_h = \log|1 + h\lambda| + i\pi\). If additionally \(h\lambda < -2\), then \(\Re(\widetilde{\lambda}_h) > 0\), so the method is unstable. Of course in the case \(h\lambda > 0\), the method is also “unstable” in the standard sense, but not more than the original problem. In fact it is more stable in some sense, \(\widetilde{\lambda}_h < \lambda\).
Corrected equations / Modifying integrators #
This time, we want the numerical solution of a corrected problem $$ \dot v_h = \mu_h \dot{v}_h $$ to coincide with the exact solution of \(\dot u = \lambda u\). In other words, we want $$ 1 + h\mu_h = e^{h\lambda}, \quad\text{i.e.}\quad \mu_h = \frac{1}{h} (e^{h\lambda} - 1). $$ Then applying the Euler method with time-step \(h\) to the problem in \(v_h\) produces the exact solution, \(v_n = u(nh)\).
Note that once the time-step is chosen for the corrected equation, it should not be changed! Look at the error of the method when correcting for \(h = 0.1\) and then simulating with a time-step \(\tau = 0.01\). Common belief would be that reducing the time-step increases accuracy. It does, but it increases accuracy for a different problem.
Application to the harmonic oscillator #
Here is a comparison of these two concepts applied to a harmonic oscillator, $$ \dot{u} = \Lambda u, \qquad \Lambda = J := \begin{pmatrix} 0 & -1 \ 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix} . $$
Figure for the harmonic oscillator with both the modified and corrected equations, \(h = 0.1\) (CODE) #
Application to other schemes #
This result may be extended to any standard Runge-Kutta method in a fairly straightforward manner using the stability function. For a method of Butcher tableau \(\begin{array}{c|c} c & A \\ \hline & b^{\sf T} \end{array}\) the stability function is given by the formula3 $$ r(z) = 1 + z b^{\sf T} (\mathrm{id} - zA)^{-1} \mathbb{1} $$ where \(\mathbb{1} = (1, \dots,1)^{\sf T}\).
Modified and corrected equations #
For a Runge-Kutta method of stability function \(z \mapsto r(z)\), the numerical scheme is exactly $$ \Phi_h = r(h\lambda) , $$ and \(\widetilde{\lambda}_h\) is such that for all \(n \in \mathbb{N}\), \(e^{nh\,\widetilde{\lambda}_h} = (\Phi_h)^n = r(h\lambda)^n\). Evidently, $$ \widetilde{\lambda}_h = \frac{1}{h} \log\bigl( r(h\lambda) \bigr), \quad\text{i.e.}\quad \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t} \widetilde{u}_{n}(t) = \frac{1}{h} \log\bigl( r(h\lambda) \bigr) \widetilde{u}_{n}(t) . $$ As for corrected equations, \(\mu_h\) may be obtained through the implicit relation $$ \frac{1}{h} \ln(r(h\mu_h)) = \lambda \quad\text{i.e.}\quad r(h\mu_h) = e^{h\lambda} $$ Here are two specific methods,
- Implicit Euler: \(\widetilde{\lambda}_h = -\frac{1}{h}\ln(1 - h\lambda)\), \(\mu_h = \frac{1}{h}(1 - e^{-h\lambda})\).
- Midpoint or Crank-Nicolson: \(\widetilde{\lambda}_h = \frac{1}{h}\ln\left(\frac{1 + \frac{h}{2} \lambda}{1-\frac{h}{2}\lambda} \right)\), \(\mu_h = \frac{2}{h} \frac{e^{h\lambda} - 1}{e^{h\lambda} + 1}\)
If the ODE on \(\widetilde{u}_n\) is well-posed, the following statements are equivalent:
- The method is of order \(q\) for linear problems;
- The modified vector field matches the initial one up to order \(q\), i.e. \(\frac{1}{h} \ln\bigl(r(h\lambda)\bigr) = \lambda + \mathcal{O}(h^q)\);
- The \(q\)-th first derivatives of \(\widetilde{u}_h\) at \(t = 0\) match those of the original equation.
- Check that these three properties are indeed satisfied for the above examples.
- For a two-stage explicit method of order 2, find the order condition \(b_1 + b_2 = 1\) and \(b_2 a_{12} = 1/2\).
- Try to prove this proposition!
Proof of the second property
For the second property, a direct calculation yields $$ r(z) = 1 + z\begin{pmatrix} b_{1} & b_{2} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ z a_{12} & 1 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 1 \end{pmatrix} = 1 + z(b_1 + b_2) + z^2 b_2 a_{12}, $$ from which we obtain the truncated series expansion $$ \frac{1}{h}\ln\bigl(r(h\lambda)\bigr) = \lambda(b_{1}+b_{2}) + h\lambda b_{2}a_{12} - \frac{h\lambda}{2}(b_{1}+b_{2}) + \mathcal{O}(h^2). $$ For the method to be of order 2, we need for all \(\lambda\) $$ \begin{cases} \lambda(b_1 + b_2) = \lambda, \\ \lambda b_2 a_{12} - \frac{\lambda}{2}(b_1 + b_2) = 0, \end{cases} $$ i.e. \(b_1 + b_2 = 1\) and \(b_2 a_{12} = 1/2\).The harmonic oscillator #
In case of real data, i.e. \(u \in \mathbb{R}^2\), the previous multi-dimensional example involving \(J = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & -1 \ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}\) may be identified with the complex problem \(\dot z = iz\) with \(z = u_1 + {\rm i} u_2\). Applying the previous identities with \(\lambda = {\rm i}\), we find
- Explicit Euler: \(\widetilde{\lambda}_h = \frac{1}{2h} \log(1 + h^2) + \frac{\rm i}{h}\arctan(h)\)
- Implicit Euler: \(\widetilde{\lambda}_h = \frac{-1}{2h} \log(1 + h^2) + \frac{\rm i}{h}\arctan(h)\),
- Midpoint: \(\widetilde{\lambda}_h = \frac{2{\rm i}}{h} \arctan(h/2)\).
For explicit Euler, \(\Re(\widetilde{\lambda}_h) > 0\), therefore the method gains energy, meaning in this case that the module increases over time. For implicit Euler, \(\Re(\widetilde{\lambda}_h) < 0\) so the method dissipates energy. For the midpoint method \(\Re(\widetilde{\lambda}_h) = 0\), which indicates that energy is preserved.4 The method is said to be symplectic.
We can also find the corrected coefficients, respectively \(\mu_h = \frac{1}{h}(e^{{\rm i}h}-1)\), \(\mu_h = \frac{1}{h}(1 - e^{-{\rm i}h})\) and \(\mu_h = \frac{2{\rm i}}{h} \tan(h/2)\). Again, only the midpoint method generates an imaginary coefficient.
The multi-dimensional case #
If \(Z := h\Lambda\) is an operator of a \(d\)-dimensional space, a correct way to write the stability function would be $$ r(Z) = I_d + (I_d \otimes b^{\sf T}) \left( I_d \otimes I_s - Z \otimes A \right)^{-1} (Z \otimes \mathbb{1}_s) $$ where \(\otimes\) is the Kronecker product, a useful tensor product for matrices.
Given a Butcher tableau, the associated Runge-Kutta method is $$ \begin{cases} k_1 = h \Lambda \left( u_n + a_{11} k_1 + \dots + a_{1s} k_s \right) \\ \quad\vdots \\ k_s = h \Lambda \left( u_n + a_{s1} k_1 + \dots + a_{ss} k_s \right) \end{cases} $$ along with \(u_{n+1} = u_n + b_1 k_1 + … + b_s k_s\). The vectors \(k_i \in \mathbb{R}^d\) may be collected in a tensor \(\mathbf{k} \in \mathbb{R}^d \otimes \mathbb{R}^s\), and the fixed-point may then be written \((I_d \otimes I_s - h\Lambda \otimes A){\bf k} = (h\Lambda u_n) \otimes \mathbb{1}_s\). The second part contracts the \(\mathbb{R}^s\) part with \(u_{n+1} = u_n + (I_d \otimes b^{\sf T}) {\bf k}\), where \((I_d \otimes b^{\sf T}){\bf k}\) is identified from \(\mathbb{R}^d \otimes \mathbb{R}\) to \(\mathbb{R}^d\).
This is cumbersome, so you’ll hopefully understand why I suck with the simple 1d notations. Just in case, here are the expressions for some common methods. $$ \begin{aligned} &\text{Exp. midpoint} && r(Z) = \operatorname{id} + Z \left( \operatorname{id} + {\textstyle\frac{1}{2}}Z \right) . \\ \\ &\text{Imp. midpoint} && r(Z) = \left( \operatorname{id} - {\textstyle\frac{1}{2}} Z \right)^{-1} (\operatorname{id} + {\textstyle\frac{1}{2}} Z) \\ \\ & \text{RK4} && r(Z) = \operatorname{id} + {\textstyle\frac{1}{6}}(K_1 + 2K_2 + 2K_3 + K_4 ) \\ &&& K_1 = Z,\ K_2 = Z \left( \operatorname{id} + {\textstyle\frac{1}{2}} K_1 \right),\ \\ &&& K_3 = Z \left( \operatorname{id} + {\textstyle\frac{1}{2}} K_2 \right), K_4 = Z \left( \operatorname{id} + K_3 \right) \end{aligned} $$
Reality check #
The non-linear case #
For a non-linear vector field, we must replace the exponential by the flow (morally, \(\varphi_h = e^{hf}\)), and there are now additional terms in the power series, $$ \begin{aligned} \varphi_h &= \operatorname{id} + hf + \frac{h^2}{2}f’f + \frac{h^3}{6}\bigl[ f’’(f,f) + f’f’f \bigr] \\ &+ \frac{h^4}{4!} \left[ f^{(3)}(f, f, f) + 3f’’(f, f’f) + f’f’’(f,f) + f’f’f’f \right] + \mathcal{O}(h^5) . \end{aligned} $$ The computations become much more complex, and in general these series are purely formal, meaning that they diverge even for very small \(h\). Therefore the modified vector field \(\widetilde{f}_h\) and the corrected vector field \(g_h\) can only be computed up to some power of \(h\), and the methods may be inaccurate for large time-steps.
We’re not supposed to know the flow #
Of course these are only examples to explain the reasoning of the method and why it has a chance to work. In practice, we do not know \(e^{h\lambda}\) (or its equivalent, the flow \(\varphi_h\) or \(e^{h\Lambda}\)), because if we did there would be no need for numerical methods. In the linear case, there is actually a lot of literature (which I’m not familiar with) on computing accurate high-order approximation of matrix exponentials. I don’t know if symplecticity is important for these applications.
I won’t discuss infinite dimension, i.e. PDEs, because everything is always more complicated for PDEs. ↩︎
In the multi-dimensional case \(\dot u = \Lambda u\), we may use the notation \(\ln(\mathrm{id} + h\Lambda) = \sum\limits_{n \geq 1} \frac{(-1)^{n+1}}{n}(h \Lambda)^n\), valid for \(h |\Lambda| < 1\). For other cases, see for instance the Wikipedia page. ↩︎
See e.g. E. Hairer, G. Wanner, Solving ordinary differential equations II. Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems (1996) – Sec. IV.3 ↩︎
In the generic non-linear case, the energy would be preserved up to a \(\mathcal{O}(h^2)\) term. ↩︎